Schedule a tire service in Millersburg, OH today

Schedule a tire service in Millersburg, OH today


Jam Auto Repair is the place to go for your vehicles tire maintenance. We can service your tires by providing tire alignments and tire rotations. We have our trusted technicians working on your vehicles who have years of experience, so you can trust they will treat your vehicle with care.

You can call us for a tire rotation or tire alignment in the Millersburg, OH area. Contact a member of our team today to schedule your appointment.

Upgrade your vehicle with new tires

Every three years your tires should be replaced to enjoy the best possible performance from your vehicle. Call our specialists when you need an upgrade and they will give your car reliable new tires so you can drive around Millersburg, OH with confidence.

Call (330) 390-0576 today to schedule your tire service with one of our trusted mechanics.